Friday, March 23, 2007

Status per March 23 2007

After having finished their homework Stijn and Els visit the cook. They want to find out what it is the cook knows about Lydia. Stijn enjoys a piece of apple pie. The cook tells them Lydia never eats anything. One day she asked the cook if he had mice and frogs for her. The cook thinks Lydia is indeed a very strange women.

When the boss of the circus enters Els tells him al the strange things she knows and heard about Lydia: that she has a box in which they think a baby is living, that they heard Lydia was put in a box herself when she was a child and that she asked the cook for mice and frogs. Els tells the boss that they think Lydia is a witch. The boss of the circus says Lydia is indeed a very spoiled women but he doesn't believe she is a witch. To reassure Els and Stijn the boss promises them he will ask Lydia about all these strange stories.

Film so far (11 min 23 sec)


animaTOT said...

is there no sound?

Unknown said...

Nice work Frank. I like the scene with the big tent when you can see the silhouettes and also the details such as pouring the champagne into the glasses and the cook peeling potates and the skin falls into the pot. Will be longer than Star Wars soon ;-)

Barkest (from the ED forums)